Before you register and pay for the internet bankruptcy course, please review the following information carefully. Clients may take this internet debtor education course 24 hours, 7 days a week. HCCI offers pre-filing bankruptcy counseling one-on-one in-person or by telephone, not through the internet.
- HCCI can only issue certificates in the State of Kansas.
- If you are paying for the internet course through your Chapter 13 plan or by another method other than credit or debit card, you must first request a voucher code by emailing a request with your name as it appears on your court documents to [email protected]. The voucher code will need to be used when prompted for payment.
- Check the system requirements in the Support Section before paying for the session.
- During the registration process you will be required to submit personal information such as your social security number, date of birth, and driver’s license number. You will be asked for one or more of these unique personal identifiers periodically throughout the course to verify your identity.
- Participants will need a unique email address and a bankruptcy case number in order to obtain the certificate of completion.
- Upon completion of the internet course, one of our certified counselors will review your information to assure that you completed all of the worksheets, spent an appropriate amount of time on the material, and completed the post test. The certified counselor will then send an email summarizing their findings along with a copy of your certificate of completion.
- If you need assistance before, during or after the education course, you may reach us at [email protected] or 800-383-0217 , Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm.
- Participants have 30 days to complete the internet course. If not completed within 30 days, the account will be de-activated.
Please review this document:
Client Bill of Rights & Responsibilities
Clients have the right to receive:
- Sufficient information to make an informed choice about using HCCI and it’s services
- Office hours that services are available
- A schedule of applicable counseling fees prior to services
- Reasonable accommodations upon request
- Privacy, confidentiality, and transparency
- Prompt counseling and educational services
- Treatment that fosters dignity and respect
Clients are also assured the right to:
- Actively participate in the comprehensive assessment of their personal financial situation including an appropriate action plan
- Request and in-house review of their service records
- Express dissatisfaction through a Complaint Resolution Process without interference or retaliation
- Discontinue their relationship with HCCI at any time
- Ask questions and have concerns addressed
Complaint Resolution Process
HCCI is committed to providing you with high quality professional services. However, if you are not satisfied with the services provided or if you want to file a complaint, please follow these guidelines.
- Try to resolve the issue with the staff member involved giving him or her specific information about your complaint.
- If step 1 is not possible or if the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, write or call the Chief Operating Officer at 785-234-0217.
- HCCI may request a meeting with you (phone or in person) or seek more information from a staff member. HCCI will respond within 15 days.
- If your issue is still unresolved you may appeal directly to the President/CEO. After additional fact finding, this individual will provide a concluding decision to you.
Non Discrimination Policy
HCCI shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.