Counseling session

Your Journey Begins here

HCCI offers counseling in person, by phone or via Zoom.

Click HERE to create an account. After creating an account you will have the option to electronically submit your information and/or schedule an appointment.

What is the initial counseling session?
This session is a comprehensive look at your current financial situation. It sets the foundation for identifying solutions to credit, personal budgeting and debt concerns.

What happens in this session?
You will meet with a Certified Housing & Credit Counselor in a confidential setting either in person, on the phone or by video conference for approximately 60 – 90 minutes. You and your counselor will discuss what steps you can take to resolve financial concerns. Based on your income, your total list of expenses and debts, these may include referrals to community resources, changes to your lifestyle, and ways to increase income or decrease expenses. During that time you and the counselor will:

  • Review your current financial situation
  • Income/expenses
  • Discuss the reasons for your financial issue
  • Develop a list of options available
  • Create an action plan to get headed in the right direction

What do you need to bring with you?

  • Proof of income (last 2 paycheck stubs)
  • Most Current Creditor Statements (with account numbers)
  • Photo ID
  • Completed HCCI Counseling Packet (download here)
  • The form packet above is in Adobe Reader files. If you don’t have the software, download it free prior to attempting to access the files. Gather your monthly bills together to assist you in filling out the worksheet.

If you are attending your counseling session in person, bring the completed counseling worksheet with you to your appointment. If you are conducting your session by phone, please return it to our office in advance of your appointment and keep a copy for yourself to refer to during the session. Also make sure to have your two most recent pay stubs.

You tell us a little about your financial situation answering simple questions like how much you make each month, and the type of debt you have. We help you understand how your finances are doing, where you can improve, and what you can do in the future.
