Agency founded – named “Topeka Housing Complaint Center”
Name changed to “Topeka Housing Information Center”
Started business over after losing all grant funding for a year
Credit counseling services added
First year of United Way funding
Name changed to “Housing and Credit Counseling Inc”
Lawrence office opened
Manhattan office opened (2017 would have been 25th Anniversary – Closed December 2016)
TOTO (Topeka Opportunity To Own) partnership initiated
Homebuyer counseling added
TOTO 150th home purchased
Emporia CCCS opened in January (Closed in April 2010)
National accreditation was received from Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children
Legislation to regulate the Consumer Credit Counseling/debt repayment industry passed the Kansas Legislature
Kansas Department of Corrections contracts with HCCI for re-entry education counseling and education
Education Expansion began with 5 new programs
TOTO 350th home purchased
HCCI receives national PACE Award of Excellence for financial literacy education program
HCCI receives State Ad Astra Award for TOTO Homebuyer Program
TOTO 400th home purchased
HCCI celebrating 40 years in business
HCCI celebrating 30 years of credit counseling services
HCCI receives Non-Profit Award of Distinction from GO Topeka
HCCI celebrating 45 years in business
HCCI celebrating 25 years of homebuyer counseling and TOTO partnership
TOTO 450th home purchased
HCCI is an essential service providing free counseling by phone and internet throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
Natural attrition of five long-time counselors due to retirement and career moves – new staff hired and trained
HCCI celebrates 50 years in business since founding in 1972