Tenant & Landlord Training & Educational Programs
Best Practices for Landlords & Property Managers
This in-depth training covers landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities under the Kansas Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. Other compliance obligations and common property management issues and challenges are also discussed. Ample time is allowed for Q/A and discussion.
Fair Housing
One-hour training suitable for property managers, landlords, tenants and their advocates. Fair Housing topics include screening tenants, protected classes, discrimination, Assistive Animals (Service and Emotional Support), reasonable accommodations, advertising, and documentation. Q/A and discussion.
Renter Prep
This class is designed for tenants who may have experienced bad rental situations in the past or who want to avoid them. It examines the application and screening process, as fifty percent of all successful rental choices involves making careful inspection and good choices of a rental unit before signing a lease and moving in. Basic tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities are also clarified in plain detail. (Perfect for people who’ve been evicted, have a felony conviction, did not receive the return of their security deposit, believe they were treated unfairly, became homeless, or they themselves made mistakes.) Approximately 1 hour.
On My Own
Need an apartment, but don’t know the first thing about renting? Thinking about having a roommate? Signing a rental lease can be scary and confusing. What exactly are you responsible for? Find out details you should know before moving into your first apartment. You’ll be glad you did. (This class includes a fun interactive role play and is perfect for the high school senior, young adults entering college and youth aging out of foster care.) Approximately 1 hour.